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Bobbi's Brushes

Bobbi's Brushes
From everyday to special occasion makeup, these six brushes are indispensable: Concealer Blender, Foundation, Face Blender, Eye Shadow, Eye Liner and Eye Brow Brushes.
Foundation Brush

Foundation Brush
Use a Foundation Brush with any foundation for a polished look. You can also use this brush (when clean) to apply moisturizer all over the face or Pot Rouge on the cheeks.
Eye Brow Brush

Eye Brow Brush
Use the Eye Brow Brush to apply Eye Shadow to brows. Start at the inner corner of the brow and follow its natural shape using light, feathery strokes.
Eye Liner Brush

Eye Liner Brush
The Eye Liner Brush makes it easy to draw a precise line with powder shadow and can be used dry or damp. Liner on the top lashline should be thick enough to be visible when your eyes are open.
Concealer Blender Brush

Concealer Blender Brush
The Concealer Blender Brush’s firm, tapered bristles make it easy to apply concealer on hard-to-reach areas like the inner corners of your eyes and along the lashline.
Sheer Powder Brush

Sheer Powder Brush
The Sheer Powder Brush is a ‘three in one’ brush that works well with blush, face shimmer or powder. For the most natural look, lightly tap the brush to remove excess product before applying
Eye Shadow Brush

Eye Shadow Brush
Use an Eye Shadow Brush to apply a medium shadow color on the lower lid, up to the crease. For the most flattering effect, choose a shadow that enhances your eye color.
Brush Cleaning Spray

Brush Cleaning Spray
To quickly clean brushes between makeup applications, use Brush Cleaning Spray. Once a month (or more often, depending on use), shampoo brushes with Conditioning Brush Cleanser.
Bobbi's Brushes

Bobbi's Brushes
From everyday to special occasion makeup, these six brushes are indispensable: Concealer Blender, Foundation, Face Blender, Eye Shadow, Eye Liner and Eye Brow Brushes.
Foundation Brush

Foundation Brush
Use a Foundation Brush with any foundation for a polished look. You can also use this brush (when clean) to apply moisturizer all over the face or Pot Rouge on the cheeks.
Eye Brow Brush

Eye Brow Brush
Use the Eye Brow Brush to apply Eye Shadow to brows. Start at the inner corner of the brow and follow its natural shape using light, feathery strokes.
Eye Liner Brush

Eye Liner Brush
The Eye Liner Brush makes it easy to draw a precise line with powder shadow and can be used dry or damp. Liner on the top lashline should be thick enough to be visible when your eyes are open.
Concealer Blender Brush

Concealer Blender Brush
The Concealer Blender Brush’s firm, tapered bristles make it easy to apply concealer on hard-to-reach areas like the inner corners of your eyes and along the lashline.
Sheer Powder Brush

Sheer Powder Brush
The Sheer Powder Brush is a ‘three in one’ brush that works well with blush, face shimmer or powder. For the most natural look, lightly tap the brush to remove excess product before applying
Eye Shadow Brush

Eye Shadow Brush
Use an Eye Shadow Brush to apply a medium shadow color on the lower lid, up to the crease. For the most flattering effect, choose a shadow that enhances your eye color.
Brush Cleaning Spray

Brush Cleaning Spray
To quickly clean brushes between makeup applications, use Brush Cleaning Spray. Once a month (or more often, depending on use), shampoo brushes with Conditioning Brush Cleanser.